Submit a Report

First Priority would like to know what the student leaders are able to do with the resources that we offer them to run their club.  When your club was registered, you let us know who will report weekly on the club happenings.  When that name is given to us, an automated email is set up to be sent to that leader requesting updated information following each week’s club meeting.  If you or your club leadership are not getting those emails, please let us know using the form below.  We apologize for this inconvenience.

If you are having trouble in relationship to your First Priority club, you can also use the form below for this purpose.  We know that First Priority is filled with great people with the best intentions, but know that conflict happens.  If you have conflict in your club at school, have worked with those in conflict to solve the problem, and have not come up with a solution, please let us know.  We are here to be a third party to navigate your situation in order to help keep the First Priority club at your school open, legal, and effective.