Start a Club

The following steps are a guide for those (students, teachers, youth leaders and parents) who desire to see a First Priority Club established at their middle or high school.

Step 1: Pray

If God has laid a burden for broken people on your heart, it is important that you follow that burden to its source. Nehemiah developed a burden for the people of his community. His response to the burden? Prayer. He took nine months before implementing God’s plan for Jerusalem.

Step 2: Buy a Kit

Students, First Priority has the information and resources you need to develop club leadership, obtain training, and launch your club. Check out our online store for more information.

Step 3: Find others

Your school and community are filled with Christ followers. First Priority at it’s core is a strategy for churches to work together. Be sure that among the students and adults participating that there are a minimum of 3 denominations involved in the launch of your club.

  • Find students to lead
    Students are the heartbeat of First Priority. You are the voice and body of Christ at your school. Find fellow students with a passion for the gospel and desire to share the love and words of Jesus with others.
  • Find a teacher sponsor
    Find a Christian faculty member as a potential club sponsor. Share your desire to start a club, provide the club information from the website and ask the faculty member to prayerfully consider sponsorship.
  • Find a Campus Coach
    Campus coaches can be a student minister, pastor, youth volunteer, parent, grandparent, elder, deacon, bishop, or . Have him/her go to to apply.
  • Find a Priority Parent
    Parents are key. The support of a network of parents can raise awareness in the churches, bring lots of food, and most importantly lead a prayer network off campus for the students as they share the gospel. Find one parent to lead the Priority Parent Network for your First Priority club.

Step 4: Get trained

Once students are united, a sponsor is secured, a campus coach is found, and a priority parent identified, then online training must take place. Go to and click on FP University to watch the training videos. All club leaders should watch the training videos to learn what role they play in the club, why they are needed, what to do, and how to do it. If you have any questions, please contact First Priority of America through the website. Or, if your club leadership would like a representative to provide training in person, simply contact us to schedule a date and time.

Step 5: Get organized


Step 6: Get legal

The Faculty Sponsor must inform the administration of the intent to start a new club on campus and turn in a Club Constitution. Club Constitution and By-Laws

Step 7: Plan out month

Set a time for the club leadership to get together and plan out the first month’s HOPE cycle. Ensure the student leaders, campus coach, faculty
sponsor, and Priority parent are all involved so each knows the role and direction to take together.

Step 8: Start promotion

Promotion for the First Priority Club’s first meeting and the first Engage Week is crucial. Promote inside and outside the school. Inside the
school, you may promote the First Priority club the same way other clubs are allowed to promote in the school. If clubs hang flyers everywhere, you can to. If there is a set bulletin board, then that is where your poster goes as well. Outside the school, get all the students and adults who are involved in the club to promote the club at their youth group and in church on Sunday morning.

Step 9: Launch Priority Parent Network

Prayer meetings need to begin before the club does. Whether it is four moms in a home or 80 parents in a church, the network of parents who commit to pray weekly for the Spirit of God to move in the school is crucial.

Step 10: First club meeting

The HOPE cycle begins, students lead, lives are changed.

Once you are ready for your first club meeting, be sure to click to fill out this form and register your club.  Registering your club will set up automation tools that will help you succeed and get your club listed on the ‘Find a Club’ page of this website.

**Contact First Priority of the Great Plains City Director Kim Erkonen at for more information to start a local club.**